Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 A young person who does not have confidence in himself or herself is as a result of the lack of believe in him/herself. Some people find it difficult in believing in themselves because of the kind of upbringing they have. Yes, that maybe a factor but discovering yourself early enough is the only way out.
The current President of the United States of America who happens to be their first black President; Barrack Obama believed he could be the first black president of the U.S.A at the age of 7. As a pupil in the junior school, his teacher asked him what he would like to become, he told his teacher he wanted to become the first black president of the United States America. His teacher and even his class mates laughed it off. Today, with hard work and perseverance, he has achieved his childhood dream.
When you believe in yourself and put to work your potentials into the right channels, the unbelievable becomes believable. You operate in a level that brings fulfillment.
I would like to use the Acrostic of the word BELIEVE to suggest how you can become a good believer in yourself and how it can yield positive result for you.
From the word BELIEVE;

B means Believe in yourself before you Succeed.
John c Maxwell, a leadership expert emphasized that believing in people before they have proved themselves is the key to motivating them to reach their potentials. I sure agree with him on this and I strongly believe that the same way you believe in others even before they succeed and eventually help them to be productive, the same way you also can believe in yourself even before you do anything that can make people to commend you. Believing in yourself will prepare your mind which is a very important part of your psychological stability, to eventually work towards effectiveness and efficiency in any of your operations.

E means Emphasize your Strengths
Do not wait for people to commend you before you feel good. Try as much as possible with true sincerity to commend yourself when you do a good job or perform well in anything you do. Always remember your qualities. Work more on your skills to become better and make deliberate effort to discover more of the potentials you have in you. Always know you have a strength that makes you unique. If you are finding it difficult to pick on these strengths, its advisable you discuss with a counselor to get professionally help. That would be a good thing to do.
L means List your Past Successes.
You should know that remembering your past positive exploits or successes will make you feel important.
Sometimes, you may never be sure of carrying out a particular responsibility effectively well if you find it difficult to appreciate your past similar operations or how well you performed in other tasks, responsibilities or assignments. It helps you renew the knowledge of who you are, what you can do and why you can even do greater things.

I mean Instill Confidence in yourself when you Fail or make Mistakes.
Failure is not a curse like many perceive it. It is a very important part of life. He that faileth not, will not appreciate the value of success. When you make mistakes or fail, always see it as a lesson{ a good lesson} to be a better person and try to be appreciative of the fact that it happened. Experiences are good for Development. Always instill confidence in yourself whenever you fail or make mistakes and work to correct them for that is the most important thing.

E means Experience Some Wins with Others.
When you work with the right people, people that can influence your life positively and help you experience some wins or good results, it makes you hunger for more.  You must have the will to carry out positive responsibilities. Sometimes, when it is not giving to you, you go and get it. David Ambrose; a renowned novelist said, if you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success and when you lack the will to win, you have achieved half your failure. You must develop the will to always learn from those who have made a positive mark in life. Also, always feel confident and free to always ask to be on their team if possible or work and walk with people that are positive minded who have good and realizable plan for their future.

V means Visualize your future successes.
The ability to visualize what you want for yourself in the future will help you to carry the necessary steps to achieving them. You have to realize there is nothing under the sun that you cannot achieve as long as you take the right step and do the necessary things to make it accomplishable. You can live 40days without food, 4days without water, 4minutes without air and 4seconds without hope. You have to hope and believe in your future. When you cast a vision for yourself and paint a picture of success in your future, you have succeeded in making yourself realize what is at stake for you.

The last E means Expect a whole new level of living.
Having faith in yourself will help you believe in possibilities and make you begin to dream dreams.  As you get involved in things that will add positive values to your life and you keep believing in yourself irrespective of the situation{ favorable or unfavorable} you find yourself, a whole new level of Existence is made available for you.
How can you discover your potentials when you don’t even believe you have one?  Your potentials is what will make your life meaningful. Nurturing them will help you reach high level of productivity.
In the words of Andrew Carnegie; men are developed the way the same way gold is mined. Several tons of dirt must be removed to get an ounce of gold. Develop what you believe about yourself and you will realize how far you can go in achievements and accomplishments.

Monday, January 17, 2011

we re like a plantation b4 GOD. we can either wither away or sprout out strong....  In all GOD is till interested in watering us. He knows everyone of us by our names....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Personal Reputation Management

Reputation applies to the rating of an object (individual, group or entity ) by those who relate with it. It is also important to note that reputation influences the image of an object.
For avoidance of doubt, image reflects the perception that is associated with an individual, cooperate entity, group or even a country. So in this context , i am focusing on the reputation management of a person. Its reputation plays or is a major factor that influences the image of a person.
As individuals, our relationship with one another is inevitable. We relate with people directly and indirectly. We relate with people indirectly when people we do not know but hear about us are been affected one way or the other by our operations. In other to have a positive image, it is very important to make a deliberate effort to portray yourself positive in the sight of the people you relate with directly or indirectly. Needless to state that you can still be portrayed negatively as a result of their beliefs, attitude and behaviour. In other words, they have a different opinion about the subject matter that as brought about a relationship between you two. These opinions can carry great implication to your operations as a person. Reputation management requires pro-activeness and re-activeness in other to remain relevant, efficient and effective as you try to achieve specific set objectives and also to flourish and have a positive quality of experience.
In the management of personal reputation as an entrepreneur, business person, employee, celebrity, communicator, student amongst other relevant specification, you must make a deliberate effort to monitor your environment to identify the matters that can carry implication to your operations. Critically examine them and take a position on them. The position you take must be influenced your philosophy in life, your vision, your mission and also your set objectives. Take note that the environment mentioned earlier can reflect your political environment, social environment, technological environment, legal environment, economical environment and also your physical environment. You identify the specific subject matters that affect you and can carry implication for your operations. Since you are a global citizen, it is important that you scan the entire global environment, not only the country where you operate from.
You set specific objectives you want to achieve with respect to what you have identified and regarding what you want to do. Note that your objectives must reflect specifics that will improve the way the people who relate with you will rate you.
However, as you pursue your objectives, there are some relevant publics that you must identify and communicate with. This publics are those that are affected by your operations. They include among many others:
1. Customer
2. The media
3. Relevant government agencies
4. Competitor
5. Professional bodies
6. Relevant rating agencies
7. Religious organisation
8. Charitable organisation
9. Education and training institute
10. Financial institution
11. Financial advisor
12. Supplier
13. Security agencies
14. Employee
15. Management
16. Parent
17. Sponsor
18. Donor

Moreover, a variety of media and techniques can be used as a vehicle and platform to communicate and pass your message to those you have to relate with in the situation of correcting wrong information about you and also disseminating specific information that can improve your rating and bring about a positive perception about you . The following media can be relevant:
1. Television
2. New media which include the social media networks like facebook, twitter, linkled-in, myyearbook, blogg e.t.c and telephone.
3. Radio
4. Newspaper
5. Journal
6. Magazine
The following techniques amongst others can be relevant amongst others:
1. Donation
2. Sponsorship
3. Courtesy visit
4. Sermon
5. Seminar
6. Conference
7. Feature
8. Press release
9. Refutal
10. Retraction
11. Referendum
12. Press briefing
13. Familiarization tour
14. Public lecture
15. Workshop
16. Naming ceremony
17. House warming ceremony
18. Rally
19. Talk show
20. Personality chat
21. Anniversary
You mobilize the needed resources in order to carry out your implementation process and make a deliberate effort to evaluate your implementation process in order to know where you have got it wrong and to improve on it or in other words, how you have fared.
Needless to state again that in the management of reputation, you must be proactive in your actions and reactive as you take the necessary steps when and where there is need for you. Your pro-activeness in your effort to prepare for and discover specific trends that can carry implication for you as they unfold and your ability and willingness to react confidently and effectively is how a solid personal reputation management foundation is laid.

Personal Reputation Management